VIBE-ing in YXE
We are proud to call Saskatoon our home, and are extremely grateful to the Stonebridge area for welcoming VIBE with open arms. We believe in getting involved and giving back to our community and the amazing people in it! Our fabulous VIBE students and Crew have enjoyed sharing their talents and our beautiful facility with such initiatives as ‘Dancing with the Stars’ for The Saskatoon Hospital Foundation, ‘Bungee Classes’ for The Heart & Stroke Foundation, and Small But Mighty Sk’s annual ‘Gold Walk’ for childhood cancer research. VIBE was also given the opportunity to perform at The Bowlt Classic, a Blades game & performing our Junior and Senior groups at a Saskatchewan Rush Game. Giving back brings “Good VIBES!”
VIBE on CTV Morning Live promoting Saskatchewan Rush K+S Lil Sparks Dance Program
VIBEyxe was very excited to be working with the Saskatchewan Rush organization to offer the Lil’ Sparks dance program. Miss Jordan and Miss Hannah were so looking forward to choreographing a dance number for young dancers to perform at the Saskatchewan Rush game during the halftime show on April 4th. We are hopeful we will be able to participate in this wonderful event in the future!
There is a LIL’ SPARK in all of us!
Great job seniors representing VIBE at the bowlt classic basketball tournament! “1,2,3 VIBEYXE”
Steak Night @ Sports on Tap
Thank you parents for Selling Tickets, Attending the fundraiser, donating items for the silent auction, purchasing 50/50 tickets for the MS Society
(we raised $420.00!) & to the SPorts on Tap staff for a great meal!
We Hope everyone had a good time!
Swinging w/the Stars
VIBE was proud to host the winning duo at this years “Swinging With The Stars” Fundraiser for the Saskatoon City Hospital. Congratulations Jonathon & Bailey!